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(Or: Really About Nothing)



In the rare hour as I pause 

While the rest of humanity hurries 

In retreat from the city

I find myself three floors above

The phlegmatic traffic

Suspended like a planet whirling

As if stationary

On the Eliotian still point

In the spinning riddle of choosing

Between two worlds

Seafood or spicy

Which to fill the stomach with

Which to empty the mind

Like a famished Christian martyr

Before being stoned

Or a Buddhist ascetic before mukti





I slurp my soup to better 

Take in air the gaps of cosmos 

The chaos of the earthbound

The spots of oil & bits of root 

Islands of piquancy 

Rotate in their orbits in the Milky Way

Of my steaming bowl 

Of delicate strings and wormholes

Pinched picked up by chopsticks

Bilocating me in parallel universes

From my vantage of lightyears

And Doppler echoes

As the dusk descends on the fading 

City like an ecliptic shadow

As the lights blink on

Like so many nebulae & galaxies:


The ramen fills or empties me



Marne Kilates

10 October 2019




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