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Two Poems Written "Near Lake Taal..."

Near Lake Taal in December



This angry cold seizes my heart

Roots me down to this ground of night

Lashing me still with its twines of chill


With a distant keening it shakes

Its icy intimations from the stalks

Of grasses, the dust-dry limbs


Of bushes edging the paths

Seeking their dark reaches, whipping

Bits of earth into its slow eddies


The lake, unseen realm spread below

The land's brink, sends its plumes

Of shadow curling across the rim of its


Faint, shimmering presence


(rev. December 24, 2014)


Near Lake Taal in May



At Maria Paz, the farthest outpost

Of Tanuan, we lurched and teetered

At the rim of the Lake and stared


Through the lambent air in the well

Of Taal and marvelled at the steep

Slope plunging into the water.


Further down, it was said, where our

Vertigo wouldn’t take us, the slope

Went on where the lake joined the sea


Until in later times the volcano 

Plugged the passage (and the salt-

Water sardines became tawilis,


The only freshwater kind, it seemed).

Below us, on the lake shore, they were

Holding a regatta for the fiesta (we saw


Only the tips of sails and buntings

Waving) and a Dragon Boat race

Had just ended. Across from us,


Above the shimmering water,

The square meshes of the radar

Array were diminutive on the arȇte


And we imagined the weekend

Also ending for the picnickers.  

We took a dozen photos of the sunset 


Until all the colors faded and the fireworks

Burst and lit the night and more than

Stars sparkled on Tagaytay Ridge.



May 28, 2015; Rev. Jan. 21, 2020




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